Where We Stand: the Status of the Global Economy<\/strong><\/p>\nFirst, let\u2019s look at where we stand. We are still faced with extraordinary uncertainty about the depth and duration of this crisis.<\/p>\n
It is already clear, however, that global growth will turn sharply negative in 2020, as you will see in our\u00a0World Economic Outlook<\/em>\u00a0next week. In fact, we anticipate the worst economic fallout since the Great Depression.<\/p>\nJust three months ago, we expected positive per capita income growth in over\u00a0160<\/strong>\u00a0of our member countries in 2020. Today, that number has been turned on its head: we now project that over\u00a0170<\/strong>\u00a0countries will experience\u00a0negative<\/em>\u00a0per capita income growth this year.<\/p>\nThe bleak outlook applies to advanced and developing economies alike. This crisis knows no boundaries. Everybody hurts.<\/p>\n
Given the necessary containment measures to slow the spread of the virus, the world economy is taking a substantial hit. This is especially true for retail, hospitality, transport, and tourism. In most countries, the majority of workers are either self-employed or employed by small and medium-sized enterprises. These businesses and workers are especially exposed.<\/p>\n
And just as the health crisis hits vulnerable people hardest, the economic crisis is expected to hit vulnerable countries hardest.<\/p>\n
Emerging markets and low-income nations\u2014across Africa, Latin America, and much of Asia\u2014are at high risk.\u00a0With weaker health systems to begin with,<\/em>\u00a0many face the dreadful challenge of fighting the virus in densely populated cities and poverty-stricken slums\u2014where social distancing is hardly an option.\u00a0With fewer resources to begin with,<\/em>\u00a0they are dangerously exposed to the ongoing demand\u00a0and<\/em>\u00a0supply shocks, drastic tightening in financial conditions, and some may face an unsustainable debt burden.<\/p>\nThey are also exposed to massive external pressure.<\/p>\n
In the last two months, portfolio outflows from emerging markets were about\u00a0$100 billion<\/strong>\u2014more than three times larger than for the same period of the global financial crisis. Commodity exporters are taking a double blow from the collapse in commodity prices. And remittances\u2014the lifeblood of so many poor people\u2014are expected to dwindle.<\/p>\nWe estimate the gross external financing needs for emerging market and developing countries to be in the trillions of dollars, and they can cover only a portion of that on their own, leaving residual gaps in the hundreds of billions of dollars. They urgently need help.<\/p>\n
The encouraging news is that\u00a0all\u00a0<\/em>governments have sprung into action and, indeed, there has been\u00a0significant coordination.<\/em>\u00a0Our\u00a0Fiscal Monitor<\/em>\u00a0next week will show that countries around the world have taken fiscal actions amounting to about\u00a0$8<\/strong>\u00a0trillion<\/strong>. In addition, there have been massive monetary measures from the G20 and others.<\/p>\nMany of the poorer nations are also taking bold fiscal and monetary action, even as they grapple with this fundamental shock to their systems\u2014and with far less firepower than their rich-country counterparts.<\/p>\n
So this is a snapshot of where the global economy stands today.<\/p>\n
There is no question that 2020 will be exceptionally difficult. If the pandemic fades in the second half of the year\u2014thus allowing a gradual lifting of containment measures and reopening of the economy\u2014our baseline assumption is for a\u00a0partial recovery<\/em>\u00a0in 2021. But again, I stress there is\u00a0tremendous uncertainty around the outlook<\/em>:\u00a0it could get worse<\/em>\u00a0depending on many variable factors, including the duration of the pandemic.<\/p>\nAnd crucially, everything depends on the\u00a0policy actions<\/em>\u00a0we take now.<\/p>\nWhat Needs to be Done: a 4-Point Plan<\/strong><\/p>\nMy next point is about building the bridge to recovery. We see\u00a0four priorities:<\/strong><\/p>\n\n- First, continue with essential containment measures and support for health systems.\u00a0<\/strong>Some say there is a trade-off between saving lives and saving livelihoods. I say it is a false dilemma. Given this is a\u00a0pandemic\u00a0<\/em>crisis, defeating the virus and defending people\u2019s health are necessary for economic recovery. So the message is clear: prioritize health spending for testing and medical equipment; pay doctors and nurses; make sure hospitals and makeshift clinics can function. For many countries\u2014particularly in the emerging and developing world\u2014this means carefully reallocating limited public resources. It also means\u00a0increasing the flow of resources<\/em>\u00a0to these countries. That includes the flow of vital goods: we must minimize disruptions to supply chains and, with immediate effect, refrain from export controls on medical supplies and food.<\/li>\n
- Second, shield affected people and firms with large, timely, targeted fiscal and financial sector measures.\u00a0<\/strong>This varies according to country circumstances, but it includes tax deferrals, wage subsidies and cash transfers to the most vulnerable; extending unemployment insurance and social assistance; and temporarily adjusting credit guarantees and loan terms. Some of these measures have been taken in the first wave of policy support. Many countries are already working on a second wave.\u00a0Lifelines for households and businesses are imperative.<\/em>\u00a0We need to prevent liquidity pressures from turning into solvency problems\u00a0and avoid a scarring of the economy that would make the recovery so much more difficult.<\/em><\/li>\n
- Third, reduce stress to the financial system and avoid contagion.\u00a0<\/strong>Our upcoming\u00a0Global Financial Stability Report<\/em>\u00a0will analyze the range of vulnerabilities in the financial sector. Banks have built up more capital and liquidity over the past decade, and their resilience will be tested in this rapidly changing environment. The financial system is facing significant pressures, and monetary stimulus and liquidity facilities play an indispensable role. Interest rates have been lowered in many countries. Major central banks have activated swap lines and created new ones to reduce financial market stress. Enhancing liquidity for a broader range of emerging economies would provide further relief. Importantly, it would also\u00a0lift confidence.<\/em><\/li>\n
- Fourth, even as we move through this containment phase, we must plan for recovery.\u00a0<\/strong>Again, we must minimize the potential scarring effects of the crisis through policy action now. This requires careful consideration of when to gradually ease restrictions, based on clear evidence that the epidemic is retreating. As measures to stabilize the economy take hold and business starts to normalize, we will need to move swiftly to boost demand. Coordinated fiscal stimulus will be essential. Where inflation remains low and well-anchored, monetary policy should remain accommodative. Those with greater resources and policy space will need to\u00a0do more<\/em>; others, with limited resources will need\u00a0more support.<\/em><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
The IMF: All Hands on Deck<\/strong><\/p>\nThis leads me to\u00a0the role of the IMF.<\/em><\/p>\nWe are working 24\/7 to support our member countries\u2014with policy advice, technical assistance and financial resources:<\/p>\n
\u2014 We have\u00a0$1 trillion<\/strong>\u00a0in lending capacity and are placing it at the service of our membership.<\/p>\n\u2014 We are responding to an unprecedented number of calls for emergency financing\u2014from over 90 countries so far. Our Executive Board has just agreed to\u00a0double access<\/strong>\u00a0to our emergency facilities, which will allow us to meet the expected demand of\u00a0about $100 billion\u00a0<\/strong>in financing. Lending programs have already been approved at record speed\u2014including for the Kyrgyz Republic, Rwanda, Madagascar, and Togo\u2014with many more to come.<\/p>\n\u2014 We are\u00a0reviewing our tool kit<\/strong>\u00a0to see how we might better use precautionary credit lines to encourage additional liquidity support, establish a short-term liquidity line, and help meet countries\u2019 financing needs via other options\u2014including the use of SDRs. And where we might be unable to lend because a country\u2019s\u00a0debt is unsustainable<\/strong>, we will look for solutions that can unlock critical financing.<\/p>\n\u2014 We have revamped\u00a0our Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust to provide immediate debt relief\u00a0<\/strong>to low-income countries affected by the crisis, thereby creating space for spending on urgent health needs rather than debt repayment. We are now working with donors to\u00a0increase the CCRT to $1.4 billion to extend the duration of the debt relief.<\/strong><\/p>\n\u2014 And together with the World Bank, we are calling for a standstill of debt service to official bilateral creditors\u00a0for the world\u2019s poorest countries.<\/strong><\/p>\nI am proud of the staff of the IMF for stepping up in this crisis. And I look forward to the discussions during the Spring Meetings next week on what more we can do<\/em>.<\/em><\/p>\nConclusion: A Test of Our Humanity<\/strong><\/p>\nLet me conclude with a line from Victor Hugo who once said: \u201cGreat perils have this beauty, that they bring to light the fraternity of strangers<\/em>\u201d.<\/p>\nIt is this common threat that brings us all together, to harness the greatest strengths of our humanity\u2014solidarity, courage, creativity, and compassion. We don\u2019t know yet how our economies and way of life will change, but we\u00a0do<\/em>\u00a0know we will come out of this crisis more resilient.<\/p>\nThank you very much.<\/p>\n