German health authorities expect one or more vaccines against the novel coronavirus will be ready by early 2021, said the German center for disease prevention on Thursday.
“Current data suggests that one or several COVID-19 vaccines are expected to be certified, first production quantities started and doses delivered by the beginning or 2021,” said the Robert-Koch-Institute (RKI) in its latest epidemiological bulletin.
However, the institute also warns that there could be shortages of new COVID-19 vaccines.
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“It is expected that at the beginning there will not be enough vaccine available for the entire population so that prioritizing will be necessary,” the RKI added.
CNN said, Germany currently has several COVID-19 vaccine candidates in various phases of testing. Among the most advanced are efforts by Biontech/Pfizer and CureVac, both of which have received special grants from the German government to speed up testing and expand production capacities.