How to conquer life’s battles with divine words and wisdom, Pastor Jaiyebo teaches believers

Pastor Tunde Jaiyebo during his opening session at BIAZO 2024

October 10, 2024

The Senior Pastor of Charis Family International Church, Pastor Tunde Jaiyebo, has admonished believers to harness the profound power of words and divine wisdom to conquer life’s challenges.

This pivotal message was delivered opening the BIAZO 2024 programme, themed “A Mouth and Wisdom,” which began on Thursday, October 10, 2024, and will run through Sunday, October 13, 2024, at Charis Family International Church headquarters, along Cultural Centre road, Mokola, Ibadan

The minster opened the programme with a clear scriptural foundation, referencing Luke 21:15, NIV, “For I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict.”

Pastor Jaiyebo emphasised that the context of this scripture is crucial, as it speaks directly to the theme of persecution faced by the disciples.

He stated, “Jesus told His disciples that He would give them words and wisdom to withstand persecution,” underscoring the divine assistance available to believers in times of trial.

Pastor Jaiyebo further elaborated on the significance of this divine empowerment, noting, “Jesus said, ‘I will give you a mouth and wisdom,’ assuring that mixing both is a guaranteed tool for success in life.

He encouraged attendees to understand that their challenges often stem from a lack of discernment, asserting, “Why do you have a problem? It is because you have not discovered an answer.”

Quoting Psalm 78:8, he reinforced that “mouth and wisdom are guaranteed tools you need” for effective living.

Drawing attention to the reality of life’s struggles, he declared, “Life is a war. Next level in your life, you need to fight. Life gives you what you fight for.”

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He elaborated on the nature of adversaries, stating, “The devil knows what you have is available, but it wants to delay you or not have it at all.”

This notion of divine warfare framed the subsequent discussion about the adversaries believers encounter in their journey.

Highlighting the three key parties involved in life’s battles, Pastor Jaiyebo identified them as the Lord, oneself, and the adversaries.

He stressed the importance of maintaining a conscious awareness of God’s presence, urging, “Never make a decision without Jesus being behind it. Don’t get to a place where you lose sight of the Lord.”

Pastor Jaiyebo warned against making decisions without the presence of Jesus, urging, “Never make a decision without Jesus being behind it, adding, “You must always be conscious of His presence.”

He assured the congregation of God’s unwavering support by quoting Psalm 46:1: “He is our refuge,” and Hebrews 13:5-6, which reminds believers, “He will never leave you or forsake you.”

The pastor also referenced Isaiah 43:2, affirming, “When you pass through the waters, He will be with you.”

He highlighted that understanding God’s presence during crises is crucial, mentioning, “The Lord, yourself, and the adversaries are the stakeholders in everything you do.”

Continuing his message, he pointed out that the adversaries in life are not just abstract forces but often take the form of competitors and individuals who seek to undermine one’s efforts.

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He warned that “an adversary is an opponent in the context of conflict,” and defined the adversary as “the one engaging us in a conflict or a war.”

Pastor Jaiyebo elaborated, “The adversary could be an enemy, your competitors in business, your rivals, or even those you bid contracts with.”

In addressing the ultimate adversary, Pastor Jaiyebo referenced 1 Peter 5:8, reminding believers that the devil “seeks whom he may devour.”

Pastor Jaiyebo further emphasised that believers are empowered through their words: “Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven” (Matthew 18:18).

He pointed out the authority given to believers over adversaries, stating, “You must have the final say over your life. You need to take charge of your adversaries.”

Drawing from Proverbs 18:21, MSG, Pastor Jaiyebo declared, “Words kill, give life. They are either poison or fruit; you choose.”

He warned against the destructive power of negative words, urging believers to speak life into their situations, warning, “Every negative word you pronounce kills something in that endeavour,” he said.

Using the example of Jesus during His temptation, Pastor Jaiyebo noted, “God told the devil, ‘It is written,’ and He conquered the devil. All that Jesus did was to say a word.”

He advised, “If you are going to win in life, you need to be sober. You need to be in control of your situation. Also, be vigilant. Be on the watch out. Having eyes all over your head.”

He reiterated the critical need for divine assistance, stating, “Jesus will give you the mouth against your adversaries.”

Pastor Jaiyebo stressed that understanding the power of words is essential for overcoming challenges.

He further identified other adversaries as individuals and groups influenced by demonic forces whose mission is to ensure believers fail.

He underlined the necessity of using words wisely, particularly during emotional crisis, and highlighted, “The greatest test of maturity is the way you use your words.”

“You capture yourself with what you say, especially amid an emotional crisis; what you say will come to pass,” he warned.

He cautioned, “If you can’t control your mouth, you are a weak person,” highlighting that many crises stem from a failure to manage one’s words.

Pastor Jaiyebo made it clear that believers must assert their authority through their words, declaring, “You have the final say over your life. You need to take charge of your adversaries.”

He stated that only fighters make headway in life, listing key strategies for success: “1. Life is a battle. 2. Fight for your breakthrough. 3. Know what your weapons are and be proficient. 4. A mouth and wisdom are the weapons. 5. The right use of both gives you success.”

Reiterating the role of stakeholders in life’s decisions, he concluded, “The first stakeholder in your life is the Lord. When things are not working at times, the Lord is waiting for you to recognise what He has for you.”

He reminded the congregation that they play a critical role alongside God and their adversaries, emphasising, “You must know when to use words to kill. You must know when to put life into certain situations.”

Pastor Jaiyebo’s stirring message impacted deeply with attendees, as he instilled a renewed sense of empowerment and responsibility to speak life into their circumstances, affirming, “Whatever you are going through now, you have the final say.”

Concluding his message, Pastor Jaiyebo reiterated the need for believers to wield their words with intention: “If you say you are tired, it means you are giving up. Instead, you can speak positively, you can speak life into your life.”

He reminded everyone that their words could shape their destinies, affirming, “Whatever you are going through now, you have the final say.”

Understanding Biazo

The term “Biazo,” derived from the Greek word meaning to force or press, carries significant spiritual weight, often highlighting the importance of exerting effort and determination in one’s pursuit of divine goals.

In biblical contexts, such as Matthew 11:12, it is used to describe the forceful advancement of the kingdom of heaven, emphasizing the need for believers to actively and vigorously press forward in their faith and spiritual journey.