Ghana has declared a 46-day visa-on-arrival for visitors, between December 1, 2023, to January 15, 2024.
The move is part of the Ghana government’s ambitious 10-year ‘Beyond The Return’ campaign, designed to encourage Africans in the diaspora to explore and reconnect with Ghana.
The move aligns with the broader goal of positioning Ghana as a premier destination for those of African descent.
A statement from the Ministry of Transport emphasized the importance of updating systems to reflect this new arrangement and urged those responsible for checking in passengers travelling to Ghana not to insist on entry visas before boarding.
Foreign Affairs Minister Ayorkor Botchwey recently hinted at Ghana’s serious consideration of allowing all Africans and people of African descent in the diaspora to enter the country visa-free.
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Rwanda, Seychelles, The Gambia, and Benin are currently the only African nations offering visa-free entry for all African citizens.
The move to implement a visa-free entry for Africans aligns with Ghana’s broader efforts to deepen connections with the diaspora and position itself as a welcoming and accessible hub.
As the government explores this possibility, it reflects a strategic effort to boost tourism, enhance cultural exchange, and celebrate the shared heritage of people of African descent across the globe.