Since needs put humans at a disadvantage, a teacher of the scriptures, Pastor Tunde Jaiyebo, has said that, God is committed by oath to fulfill His covenant duty to His people.
This, Pastor Jaiyebo, the Senior Pastor of Charis Family International Church, Cultural road, Mokola, Ibadan, Oyo State, said, while ministering on the theme: “Unbreakable, The Covenant and The People,” with the scriptural focus in Psalm 89:19-34, at the God of Breakthrough Convention and Homecoming, GOBC&H 2021, hosted by Rev Olusola and Rev Oyenike Adeogun, at their church auditorium, The Dream Centre of the Life Oasis International Churches, in Osogbo, Osun State.
In his teaching as a guest minister on the Day 2 of the 7-day programme, Pastor Jaiyebo, highlighting the “Characteristic of the Unbreakable,” said, “Christians need the anointing to be unbreakable.”
In explaining the anointing, he said, “to anoint means to smear with oil, or you poor oil on, you saturate with oil. Anointing is for the empowerment by the Holy Ghost to function by the power of the anointing.”
Citing the example of Jesus after he was anointed in Luke 4:18, which reads: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed,” the cleric said, it was the empowerment Jesus received that helped Him succeed in His ministry.
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Similarly, referencing Acts 10:38, He said it was still the anointing by the Holy Spirit that gave Jesus the power to “go about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.”
Also, the minister defined the anointing what makes Christians to remain unbreakable as the “yoke destroying, burden removing power of God,” according to Isaiah 10:27.
He informed that whatever weighs a Christian down is a burden, as he said, according to Mathew 11:29-30, Jesus had enlightened that “My yoke is easy, my burden is light,” hence, the cleric noted that, everyone must though be under a yoke and burden, but he said it must be easy and light, adding: “If our yoke and burden are not easy and light, we have missed God.”
He said, in this context, sickness, poverty, lack are all yoke and burden, as much as other difficulties such as family issues, fights in marriages, office wrangling, students failure, among others.
The way out, he said, was to tap into the “yoke removing power of God,” in the shepherd and sheep pattern as practiced by Kind David in Psalm 23, where he said the psalmist addressed God as his Shepherd, the word “Shepherd” here, Pastor Jaiyebo interpreted it to mean Yaweh or Jehovah-Rohi meaning “The Lord my Shepherd,” he said King David called God in Psalm 23:1, adding that, we are the sheep of God’s pasture, according to Psalm 100:3.
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Pastor Jaiyebo teaching further with the Psalms, said, “Church members are the sheep of the Lord,” knowing Jesus had said, “I’m am the good shepherd.”
Explaining what “thou anointed my head with oil” in Psalm 23:5 means, Pastor Jaiyebo said: “Sheep usually have problem with the flies hovering around their heads with the aim of laying eggs in their nose. For this reason, he said the sheep begin to panic and shake their heads widely to get over the irritation of the flies.
“If the flies succeed to lay eggs in their nose, the eggs enter the nasal passage of their nose, and the sheep are not palatable with it, they are agitated, they bang their heads on the rock, in the process, they crack their skulls and some die.
“But what the shepherd does to avoid this is to anoint the head of the sheep to repel the flies,” Pastor Jaiyebo said.
On how this applies to Christians, the minister said: “What happens many times is, flies move around our heads, and this could be interpreted to mean thoughts, that is, negative thoughts that sound like mosquitoes, such sound says, it is not possible, it is over, God is not faithful, forget it — it brings all sorts of demonic negative thoughts to our head.
“These thoughts make us become vulnerable, fragile, doubtful. It is at this point a husband will call his wife a witch. For another, it is when you want to start a manufacturing industry they will increase the price of what you want to use for your productions.
“All these are to break us down, to make us lose hope. You can’t operate in the level of the unbreakable with this. You can’t be unbreakable in a state of mental confusion. It causes what is called a buying and selling spirit. They make us to begin to panic. You have been praying and you were told, ‘no more mourning,’ but those negative thoughts are still buzzing around your mind. And sometimes, like the sheep, we hit our head on the rock, the skull cracks. It has led to the death of people, some marriages and some dreams have been shattered.
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“When the eggs in the nose of the nasal passage of the sheep hatch, the sheep become blind. So, it is for us as humans, when these thoughts stay for so long, it leads to blindness, that is, you don’t see the future if staying in marriage, that is why you don’t see the future staying in Nigeria because of blindness. When you are blind, you can’t see.
“When you have issues you don’t see through again, when your perspective is warped, you lose hope. Some Christians are like this, the eggs have not only been laid in their nasal passage, it has been hatched. People are visually impaired in the sprit and this has made them to be liable,” Pastor Jaiyebo said, making reference to Isaiah 42:19-20.
He said: “Nothing is as bad as being visually impaired. You have seen many things but you do not observe or comprehend their true meanings. Why? Blindness caused it because of many flies buzzing around our heads. We do not appropriate true meanings to things again as we can’t comprehend because of the blindness in the spirit.”
Citing the example of visitors to Lot’s house in Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 19:11, Pastor Jaiyebo said, the men were at the door of the house, but were struck with blindness, and they couldn’t enter and eventually gave up trying to get inside, adding that, some people today are like visitors to Lot’s house, he noted that, they “are at the place of their blessings but they can’t see it because they are blind.”
Quoting from Isaiah 56:10, “His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber,” the cleric said, “this is why we need the anointing.” Ignorance according to him is blindness. “When there is a long persistent problem, it is because of ignorance since every problem has a solution in the waiting. Blindness is ignorance,” Pastor Jaiyebo said.
Also referencing to Isaiah 59:10, he said: “We grope for the wall like the blind, stumble at noon day as if it is in the night, falling where we should not fall, confused where you should not be confused. You know you are the engine room of your office but you are not promoted. Proverbs 27:12 shows someone with lack of foresight, you can’t see the future, no foresight because of blindness in the spirit.
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In Mark 8:24, he said, “Jesus prayed for a blind man who looked up and saw men like a tree. That was a confusing vision. You are seeing the wrong thing. The shepherd has to help the sheep by the anointing to prevent these things from happening. We cannot do without the anointing.”
Likewise, Isaiah 42:16, Pastor Jaiyebo said, God is willing bring the blind the way they know not, as he contended that “God is still in the business of a anointing the people to make His covenant a reality. Anointing is needed to remain the unbreakable.”
He said, the shepherd anoints all the openings in the sheep’s head to prevent all the flies bug from happening. And as he said: “We don’t serve God daily, we serve God day to day,” hence, he charged that, “we need anointing day by day for fresh oil,” according to Psalm 92:10.
He said it is with this every demonic entry point is terminated. Your ears will no longer hear negative thoughts. Every negative voice is silenced because of the anointing.
Teaching further on why the shepherd also anoints the head of the sheep, he said: “In the old biblical days, they will smear their head with oil, because the sheep fight against each other, they head-butt each other, so, when they fight, the head is slippery, when they fights the heads slip away.
As this affects Christians, he said: “We need anointing because of oppositions, clashes which at times break our skulls. Sometimes, husband and wife have clashes and one of them has crashed the skull, this is why a spouse will say, it is over for the marriage. Sometimes, it is in the office some people fight and the head is broken.
“Also, the heads of the sheep are anointed to protect them from the heat and high temperature. The heat could become so intense that it affects their vital organs and they die. But with the anointing, their temperature is regulated. In life hustles, heat comes and we run the risk of damaging our vital organs as humans. The body becomes fragile. The process starts with what is called dehydration, the harmful reduction of water in the body. And when this occurs, it reduces the physical and mental performance, the reason people can’t think well again. They just don’t know again because they are dehydrated.
“When you are dehydrated, you exaggerate your fatigue. This leads to dizziness and lightheadedness, and you are about to fall, because there is tiredness. You don’t feel like praying again, you are thirsty. When you are thirsty, what you need is water, you have a longing that is not satisfied. At this point, you need anointing. We need to be anointed to be unbreakable. The anointing is the power of God that makes you unbreakable,” Pastor Jaiyebo said.
On how to access the anointing, the cleric said: “Always ask for the anointing, according to Mathew 7:7.
He said the anointing can dissipate, and “that is when you are cranky and irritated. So, Christians should always ask for the anointing. If there is an argument, ask for the anointing,” he said, adding that, “sometimes, anointing comes with the association,” and making reference to 2 Kings 3:12-14, Pastor Jaiyebo charged that, “associate with the right people, watch those who are close to you.
Another means to getting anointed, the cleric said, is “when you frequent anointed places, it makes anointing available, quoting from 1 Samuel 10:10-11.
He said, “holy living, staying in the word of God, relating with the word of God, coming to church, staying within your call or assignment. If you do what you are not called to do, you are on your own.”
Pastor Jaiyebo charged Christians who want to remain unbreakable to fellowship with the Holy Spirit, get anointed and make the worship of God a lifestyle, adding that, “it enhances your anointing that you can be mentally sound, you can think right, and your vital organs are protected. “The fresh oil is available,” he said.